Adult Holy Spirit offers several opportunities for adult Faith Formation throughout the year. Previous studies have included The Bible Timeline and A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion. We look forward to new and engaging adult studies during various times in the year.
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
We are so excited you are considering the Catholic faith and want to welcome you to our family! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is designed to provide you with an opportunity to become more acquainted with our Catholic community, Sacred Scripture and Tradition, and the Gospel of Christ that guide our Catholic lives. We meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at the SCM Parish Center Lounge.
By enrolling your child in faith formation yearly, you are ensuring that your child is receiving continuing education about their Catholic faith and community. Holy Spirit recognizes that parents are the primary religious educators of their children and shares in the responsibility for children’s faith development. Holy Spirit Catholic Community offers a children’s faith formation program for kindergarten (age 5) through Confirmation (sixth grade and up). Our purpose is to welcome you and your child to our parish family. Classes are held on Sundays beginning September 15th and continue through the first week in May at 2:30 at the OLS Parish Center. Family is the beginning and the most important center for faith formation. Children receive their principal and most fundamental religious education within the home and our goal is to assist parents in their roles as primary educators of their children. Families must attend mass as a requirement of Faith Formation. The best way for children to come to understand the Eucharist and the Mass is to attend regularly and to engage in family prayer. Registration closes October 13th!
Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children is intended for children and teens who were not baptized as infants and are over the age of 7, an age by reason and conscience are fully attained. Participants will be enrolled with their respective faith formation peer group class and receive separate catechesis for preparation for Sacraments of Initiation. Regular attendance of Mass and Sunday classes is expected. Children in RCIC are received into full communion with the Church at the Easter Vigil. If a family is preparing to join the church, the adults should attend RCIA and enroll their children in Faith Formation. The entire family will be welcomed into the Church at the Easter Vigil.
Preparation for the Sacraments Reconciliation The sacrament of Reconciliation is required before First Eucharist. Children in the second grade Faith Formation class receive instruction as part of their preparation for First Holy Communion. Students receiving the Eucharist in the spring will make their First Reconciliation some time during Lent. First Holy Communion Preparation for the sacrament of Communion is offered to children entering second grade. First Communion takes place in the spring after Easter. Parents of students preparing for First Holy Communion will be required to attend Parent Meetings. Please contact the Faith Formation Office if your child is older or you have extenuating circumstances. Confirmation Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation begins for students entering the sixth grade. Students are confirmed in the seventh grade, provided they have completed both Year 1 and Year 2 of Confirmation classes. In addition to attending Confirmation classes, students are required to participate in personal and church-supported service projects, attend retreats, choose a Confirmation name and sponsor, and complete an interview with the instructors. Parents are required to attend meetings/events. Please contact the Faith Formation Office in the case of students who are uncatechized and/or are beyond seventh grade age. Classes are September 15th until May 4th. We meet on Sundays at 4 pm at OLS Parish Center. Confirmation will be on Sunday, June 29th at the Events Complex.